Single project

AWSS Pyrolusite Project in Samut Sakorn province

Using AWSS Pyrolusite Instead of sand filter to remove manganese. The Samut Sakorn Municipality

The important of the project.

The city and the water supply service area of ​​the Provincial Waterworks Authority shall use the tap water produced by the tap water production plant which controls the quality of tap water produced by the Provincial Waterworks Authority. Water from rivers, reservoirs, or groundwater, etc., which is a raw water with natural sources. As a result of the water cycle, the start of the natural rainfalls will flow from the high to the lower reservoirs, which will remove impurities into the water. In each area, such as contamination of insecticides and fertilizers from agricultural land. Contamination of wastewater from community sources. The contamination of heavy metals such as arsenic, copper, manganese lead, lead from underground rock found in water is essential to the survival of all living organisms. Humans have an average water requirement of 100-200 liters per person per day. Most of them live in the groundwater area.

Samut Sakhon Municipal Waterworks Authority It is another tap water supply plant with producing capacity of 48,000 cubic meters per day, and is currently experiencing of manganese contamination problems in source water for making tap water. Normally, the manganese in source water is about less than 1.00 mg / l except sediment And the sand filter to reduce manganese only. Manganese <0.30 mg/l following to WHO Regional Water Quality Standard 2011 and we have to follow to supply water to the people in the service area.

It was found that the old system was not effective when the manganese content is high. The cost of production of tap water is very high as well and manganese control level is very difficult.

To use Pyrolusite filter to remove of manganese in water is a very highly efficient and  easy to control the output with low cost of production, that was why using Pyrolusite is efficiency of the process of removing manganese in tap water of Samut Sakorn Municipality.

Project Objectives

To test the effectiveness of manganese reduction in tap water after using Pyrolusite filter, the manganese reduction target was Mn <0.10 mg / l. (following to the Metropolitan Water Standard, as recommended by the WHO. 2011)

Experimental details
1. Set boundaries for experiments.
– The pyrolysis filtration experiment was carried out at Sand Dewatering Plant No. 6 and No. 8 by replacing the original sand filter with a pyrolysis filter, the thickness of the filter is 100 cm.
– The filtered water passes through the ACH and Polymer precipitation process to remove the turbidity to precipitate the precipitate.
– Controlling the pH of the water before entering the filter is in the range of 7.5 – 9.0 (because it is the period where the filter has the highest efficiency of the removal of manganese).

2.Data recording and experimental results
– Collect water sample send to certified standards laboratory. By collecting from source water which passed through sand filtered water and also collecting the water through the Pyrolusite filter. This experiment was used by Central Laboratory analyzer.

Conclusion result
1. The efficiency of Manganese removal from source water by using Pyrolusite filter can control manganese in tap water below 0.100 mg / l. From the results of analysis of water samples sent to the Central Laboratory (Thailand) Co., Ltd.
The manganese content is as follows.
– Manganese from raw water 0.8849 mg / l (exceeding standard)
– Manganese from sand filtered water 0.8536 mg / l (exceeded standard)
– Manganese from water passing through pyrolysis 0.0790 mg / l (below standard).
The Metropolitan Waterworks Authority’s (Tap Water Supply) have made the water quality which exceed the drinking water standard set by the World Health Organization in 1996. The water supply has upgraded for the production standards equivalent to Metropolitan Waterworks Authority.

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